Friday 4 March 2011


My very first date….. going out for a date makes me nervous especially first dates. The confusion that I had over what to wear casual/formal/ color of clothes and shoes that are matching, makeup, hairdo……. over analyzing on what to talk about, where to go and trying to look the best,  the best way I will feel best.
But I feel the pressure are more on you guys because girls will usually examine and analyz every details; does he  smell nice, does he open the car door for her, does he pull the chair for her, does he pick her up on time, does he pay for everything and should it be awkward if she decides to go dutch……….

I must say that my first date with Leodi was my idea of a perfect first date. I’m not talking about the many times we went out for the teh tarik sessions as friends (He was my boss….. hehehe). But I remembered him holding my hand and brushing it against his cheek before opening the car door for me… first skin to skin contact with him which I found thrilling……hahahaha. That was the first time we went on a real date, and it was an awesome one.

Nothing fancy, ……. No candlelight dinner  followed by tasteful theater show, not that kind of awesome.

He picked me up, we talked and laughed in the car then watched Shaolin Soccer ( kelakar giler, masih terasa kelakarnye hingga sekarang). Talked and laughed over glasses of mineral drinks and some popcorn, salad and tomato sandwhiches with lots of grated cheese and my favourite cottage apple tarts by the beach watching the singing  wave racing the beach and finally the sunset gracing the horizon………breathtaking.
Then he sent me home, right to my very doorstep before my bedtime. 

Yes, that kind of awesome. The kind that gives us the chance to get to know each other over good conversations and healthy dose of laughter and its still here at the back of  my mind … the point that I can still remember that he was wearing a bluish green  Padini shirt and I was wearing a blue ruffled blouse and a long denim skirt . The kind that when the date was over made me realize that,  I can’t wait to go out and talk and laugh with him again…..  

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