Sunday 13 March 2011


Many things happened in the last few months made me tick into thinking how life can be so fragile and morning you might be sipping coffee for breakfast with a friend yet the next day, you might be attending his funeral. You might be driving a Mercedes now but in the next day you probably struggle to even afford a decent meal. 

Flashing back, I couldn't decide whether I was better off in the last year or the year before but as we count our blessings being Malaysian living in peaceful
Malaysia please pray for Japan since there is a warning for a 2nd Tsunami heading for her coast.
The devastating calamaties had few days passed, but the recovery and mourning for the Japenese have just begun. Now, more than ever, the Japanese  need our help and support to get through this crisis.
You don’t need to fly  to Japan to help. There are plenty of ways you can help online, whether it’s with your wallet or by using new technologies  with texts or even with virtual crops. Every little bit counts.
Through the weekend Japan in full force had battled to prevent a nuclear catastrophe in Fukushima radioactive leakage and to care for the millions without power or water. The huge earthquake and tsunami had likely killed more than 10,000 people. A badly wounded nation has seen the whole villages and towns wiped off  by a high rise wall of water, leaving in its wake an international humanitarian team into action..

Our time here is a loan and He has the power to take it away in one split second, material wealth, money, friends, education level, status, none of those, will matter anymore. Thank you Allah, for the reminder.

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