Wednesday 10 October 2012

CNN or Reuters...

What would you feel when you are mocked and your statement being misunderstood??  If you ask me, I would say it all depends on my mood. If I am HAPPY, then I wouldn't mind. But if it’s ‘ time of the month’  or when I am miserable or depressed….Please DONT play fire with me…. .OK (in a very serious note).

O’Pete and O’Dave…….are great bullies and their target is always ME the only lady in the Group. (Aku mmg selalu dibuli
 oleh senior2 engineers yang tak senang duduk kalau tengok aku senyum2 kambing gembira. (O=old)

I was in the smoking room. I don't smoke but I was regularly there to hangout, socialize,and networking, (to cut off thinking of work temporarily) Seriously. If u were offshore and decided to stay in the cabin and cut off the world, in within three days you will jump the ocean to swim back to shore. Most probably you will end up resting peacefully in the jaw’s ridged, pointed irregular teeth before you ever reach the shore.     
Hehe….. hahaha

The smoking room was the nearest to the helipad and you could watch the heli taking off/landing. And you could watch the scene usually after the morning meet. When a heli is about to take off/landing all personnel are allowed to be at the open area. But no smoking there. There were about 11 people in the smoking room plus Pete. I was there an hour ealier and was about to move my butt when this old man started screaming at me.

He went like "Where are u going lady? Dont u know u r not allowed to go out while the chopper is here?" with a serious fierce looking face…and I looked at Mich and Joey one by one expecting them to say something in my defence. Mich? Joe? They were all silenced all of a sudden avoiding my gaze.. O’Pete is the company man…Noone dares say No..
(Diorang  buat muka toya sebab suma org pun takut dgn Pete si company man itu)

He continued " Please continue to be seated my lady… I bet civilization and after and stay blab la la……blab bla…".I hate that ol man…He was always making fun of me!
(Aku pun dgn muka takut dan masam duduk smula. Bila heli da bla dan si Ngok tu kuar the whole room gelakkan aku  sebab they knew  Pete was making fun 0f me. Kamu semua diam sebab Pete ialah company man kan?)

I was in the changing room. (It’s the room for keeping our working attires …boots, helmets etc and you get to change into them in the room before entering the main deck or the working area but it’s not like the changing rooms in those shopping malls) Thanks Encik Zul for forcing me to change into more sporty attires before flying here if not I would have worn my brand new rainbow crocs..I miss my crocs heels..
(Enam bulan aku mimpikan nak beli crocs tu....).

I was sliding my foot into the boots when suddenly I heard Dave laughing," Look at her socks! It's flowery and it's pink! " Damn.
Since that day the first thing that he'll look when we bumped into each other is to stare at my socks then made an announcement for all to know of my arrival…..
I gave a sweet smile and catwalk passed them all….more than twenty male spectators at a time.   
(Nak show? Meh aku bagi korang show lenggok gadis Melayu….hahahahaha. ari2 pun boley..)

I was sleeping in the accomodation when the rig manager came to the cabin. He went " Where is the lady in yellow?" and the guys told him that I was sleeping. Yes I was sleeping…nothing wrong with that since the night before I was on standby and didn’t sleep the whole night.

When I was on standby again the next night and Dave suddenly made an announcement with his provocative voice that really annoying…  "Oh the fairlady is awake. She's so lazy sleepin the whole afternoon….hahahaha"..
I was like….. (ko nak gatu semua org  yg aku adalah pemalas. Bongok ko Dave!)

I was in the Q for my dinner but when it was my turn to pick the food suddenly I lost appetite and walk through the Q, got myself a mug of hot choc got a seat and quietly watch the rest choosing and picking….. Pete was there. Leodi and Mich  sat next to me while I was sipping my drink... I went back to be in the Q when my belly started pounding and Pete intentionally blocked my way (he was on his way to the table) and said loudly" You are having your second round dear? U eat a lot my dear~"
(Sengaja kau gtau org d Galley yg aku kuat makan. Aku baru nak makan Ngokkk. It was not my second round pun)

(Aku Jadi malas nak mkn kat Galley) So I made a cup of hot choc and brought a bun into my accommodation. I bumped into Dave before reaching the cabin. He looked into my eyes…and I stared back at him. He said "U r sneaking food. That's not allowed!"  and I answered "It's not written that I cant eat in my cabin.".He added “ I'll come to ur cabin later."
(Gila ape org tua itu. Mesti baru minum beer ni.)
I said, “Of course….after I splash this hot choc on ur face.and a back kick on ur belly”.

I was chatting. He came into the internet room, acting like a PI he started to say loads..  "U dont even need to keep in touch with ur bf Nina. You are offshore. Come on. Njoy ur time while u r here,"
( Malas nak layan)

So I told him "I'm getting engaged. I am in touch with my fiance-to-be"
(Terdiam dia.Pastu ramai pulak yg tanya pasal my 'engagement'. Jatuh saham aku)

Leodi: You told Dave that we r getting engange Nina?
Me: NO. I think Dave will be better off if he is with the CNN or the Reuters….

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