Friday 19 October 2012

Married or single...?

I totally agree that when one is married with kids, one is obviously tied down with various responsibilities and commitments.  Attending to the demand  and the needs of growing up  kids could burn you and is costly too.. But people should not generalize and judge others based on their marital status i.e single or married as some would believe the singles are always commitment free and they lead such a boring life!
But, has it ever occurred to them, that we lead our lives the way we want to and I believe many of us don’t go home and stare at four walls!  ( I wonder where she got the idea from?? Maybe she was staring at the four walls when she was single ) Believe me there are other better things to do than staring at the four bloody walls. Being single, just like being married, has it’s ups and downs. No one has the right to judge.
Married people do married things and single people will do things single people do. I have never seen anyone staring at four walls unless one is in a prison cell and let barking dogs lie.. not  worth  arguing.
To counter these comments - why are you not married yet? Don't you feel bored being single? blah blah blah……I usually tell them something like …. "I’m a lesbo.  My gf and I are heading for this party where we chill out, smoke pot and drink sangria all night long". That always shuts them up.
Single or married, we have different set of problems and happiness in our lives... it's mainly a matter of appreciating what we have when we have it, is what's important... :)
God arranged our life's path for a reason. Married, single, we're all the same.


  1. Haiyaa...! sunyi la sorang2 huhuu
    nak calon x de acaner aduuuiii
