Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Do You Know....?

What I would love to share here is the difference between a rig (pelantar gerudi) and a platform (pelantar). Most people are confused over these two terms. They point to 2 distinct items and each offering different function and offered different experiences on board each one of them. It’s not a place for the chicken heart. It spells work round the clock and you're stuck up there 24/7 for weeks or even months..

 An oil platform is referred to as an offshore platform. They are lonely beings. Once you've built and anchored a platform offshore, it stays there for the rest of its life. These platforms will support the wells, some processing facilities, and in many cases, the platform contains facilities to house the workforce as well.

Basically once it gets to a location, it will be grounded there, as opposed to a rig, where it is towed to where ever it is needed, and will move away once the job is done.

Depending on the circumstances, the platform may be fixed to the ocean floor, may consist of an artificial island, or may float.

Remote subsea wells may also be connected to a platform by flow lines and by umbilical connections; these subsea solutions may consist of single wells or of a manifold centre for multiple wells

Rigs are vessels which go poking around on the earth's surface, and leaves holes on them. Once enough holes are made, and information from the ground, or even a well is established, the rigs will move away to other locations, to poke more holes in the ground to get data of the earth surrounding the hole, or to make a hole worthy of producing black gold from the ground and  it is towed to where ever it is needed, and will move away once the job is done. 

Oil and natural gas drilling rigs can be used not only to identify geologic reservoirs but also to create holes that allow the extraction of oil or natural gas from those reservoirs. Primarily in onshore oil and gas fields once a well has been drilled, the drilling rig will be moved off of the well and a service rig (a smaller rig) that is purpose-built for completions will be moved on to the well to get the well on line. This frees up the drilling rig to drill another hole and streamlines the operation as well as allowing for specialization of certain services, i.e., completions vs. drilling.

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