Thursday 25 October 2012

Civilized mind....caring heart

I was pushing my trolley with both Billy and Sarah by my side when lady  A passed me in a rush  and  unintentionally ramp  her trolley into lady B who was standing at the side in front of me .  The wheels of the trolley hit one of lady B’s foot.  Lady A kept saying she was terribly sorry  but lady B was really fuming and start attacking lady A verbally, thinking that she ramp the trolley on purpose. The situation worsen when her family join in the argument and they becoming more  aggressive with cursing, screaming, swearing and saying the meanest things to lady A.  Lady B’s leg looked pretty okay to me and she was not even limping.. No major damages. Why are they behaving barbaric…

Lady A seem not too eager to create a big scene as she started pushing  her  trolley away and kept saying sorry repeatedly  and then left.  Oh boy, what happened next was like a trauma for me….( lady B, husband and son) came back searching  for lady A  from aisle to aisle and once they saw her, they ramp onto her with their trolley. Gosh!!! Talk about being sick!

Well, I have ramp my trolley onto someone unintentionally and someone has ramp his/her trolley onto mine …But  it was an accident, sometimes the wheels just gives way, aisles are too narrow. We don’t need to be nasty and bully others right?

I heard of road bullies but what do we call these sick people ….supermarket bullies? Oh and I was pretty upset when Leodi started to blame lady A for rushing  blindly while shopping.

It is not about doing things in a rush it is about having a civilized mind and a caring heart…..
Don't you think so...?

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