Thursday, 14 March 2013

In all seriousness....

In all seriousness, having kids had always been in my agenda. 

In all seriousness......I am 29. (Thanks to those who sent me well wishes on my recent birthday. I love uol heaps!) 

I love playing with' kids. I adore them and I love fooling around with them too. 

But do I want to have more kids?

I.... don't know. 

Maybe as a woman, I might want to. But as a person, I have my reservations. 

I have seen how people change just by being in a relationship. Then... having a kid... is...upsetting??? 

Life changing would be an understatement... 

Why do we  want to have kids?. I am not wrong when I think of these.....
Westerners have kids because... they just do. Asians breed because they want the kids to live in guilt and never ending gratitude that they were here because of them 'parents'. (bila ibu/ayah da tua wajib menjaga mereka). Africans reproduce because... well they can't get condoms. 

So... you changed for the sake of a change in your marital status and you changed you have to change more when you have kids... so what happen then?

Hmmmm.......(dalam melayani pemikiranku yang semakin sempit!!)

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