Thursday 21 April 2011


My ranting hour....... So, if you are not up for it come back for next post. Otherwise, stay.. Whatever, I don't really care…..hhehehehehe.

Life's been a hectic kind of late and I am kinda sick of it. Sick of summarizing report after report.. Sick of work, on standby most of the time and waking up wee hours in the morning to have clarity and specificity in what I write in those  darn final report. I am slogging like a tired old dog. Now reading emails from home while sipping orange juice. Even Leodi and Adel can't  meet me up for lunch! They are working damn bloody hard, I tell you. I guess I could just produce a so-so kind of report, leave it to Leodi  to take the heat of my crappy issues. Hehehehe – how I wish!

Sometimes, I do wish that I am a wealthy woman who does not have to do this day in and day out. Meni/pedi appointment before lunch and go for brunches  at some ridiculously expensive restaurants that serve you puny portions of meals, haaaaaaa..

Back to planet Earth..
Told you I just wanted to rant.
Now, back to that darn report..

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