Wednesday 6 April 2011


I was in Science, and he was in Social Science Anyway, it was not a big problem, as I would normally get copies of SS papers from Zie my dorm-mate, and whatever SS papers which Mich sent me, I would pass them to Zie. I can't remember whether Mich actually got copies of exam questions from his Science friends to pass them to me.

But, what I remember clearly was this -

A  classmate of mine received a letter from her friend who was a Sci student at Kolej Melayu KK. And in that letter were 25 paper strips with a name written on each and each one of us would pick one name and that person would be our "pal" for the exchanging exam papers scheme.( Why couldn't they both send a SET of the exam papers every month to each other and anybody who wanted them could just make their own copies, right?)

Haaa...they got hidden agenda! (Serampang dua mata strategy! )I guessed it was not so much of a request to exchange papers, but more of a platform to get to know your "pal" better! (Cerdik budak Kolej Melayu KK ni...)

Since I was already getting my "supplies" from Mich, I didn't want to be part of the scheme but there were a few names left, and who had earlier refused to join in were persuaded to be part of the scheme. (sistas/bros) and also thinking Sci for Sci student exams paper exchange I gave in and got myself a new "pal", too. And my "pal" was Sam (not his real name). 

I remember getting his first letter. Apparently - the "organizer" of the "scheme" on our side, had finalized the "pairing" and had given the list of names to the "organizer" from that side. I remembered  I only wrote to Sam when there was a set of exam papers to send him.  I never mentioned Sam to Mich, as I thought it was a non-issue.
And, oh my...was I wrong to have thought that! 

What I didn't know was that, Sam was NOT a Sci student after all. He was in fact a Soc Science student. He was in fact......Mich classmate! Horror! Horror!

The 25 names from which we had to choose from - they were NOT all Sci students. They were just a group of smart asses who were never really interested in exchanging exam papers in the first place! 

Mich found out that I was writing to Sam, while writing to him, and he was upset and I was upset! beecause I just couldn't understand why he had to be upset since we were not bf/gf anyway, and he surely didn't have any rights over me, right?!!! Secondly, I was upset because Sam was not really a Sci student and there was no point for me to correspond with him in the first place!

So, I gave them BOTH a piece of my mind, and I stopped writing to both. That was the last time I heard from Sam...but, not from Mich...

A week or so after I sent out the letter, M wrote back to me and apologized.

So, things got back to normal.

I can't remember whether we were still in form 4 or 5 when the next "event" took place.....

I had also been exchanging papers with a guy from Sekolah Tiger Lane, by the name of Jong (not his real name) he wrote to me first. I didn't mention this to Mich because I thought Jong was also a non-issue between us and we had an understanding about this exchanging exam papers thingy.

Hahahaha…….it was a week after school reopened, and all of us just came back to JB after our Term break, when I received a letter from Mich. And he wrote

"Salams saudari Ein. how was your term break - mine was ok. Something interesting happened on my train journey back to KL. We, a group of Kolej Melayu KK guys were sitting in the same coach with a few of Sekolah Tiger Lane boys.  We got talking  and one of them talked about their friends from STF, TKC, SSP and somehow YOUR name came out. By the way, do you know a guy by the name of Jong?!"

And I was like, "Oh NOOOOOO!!! Not again!!! Why does this have to happen to me???!"

Of ALL the coaches and of ALL people - why did Mich end up sitting with Jong?!!! Again, I was upset because HE was upset and he had no right or reason to be upset....

After Sam, and then Jong, he REALLY must have thought that I was not a loyal friend, or that I was somehow a "loose" person?

I wrote a similar letter to the one I wrote to him after the Sam incident, explaining to him what needed to be explained. And I remember waiting anxiously for his reply. And my...was I relieved when Mich letter finally came, apologizing for being "possessive" and I had these   warm and fuzzy feelings inside reading ....and I said to myself, "Hey...he's jealous. That's very sweet..."

And things got back to normal :)

I remember getting a Musical Box from Mich for my 17th birthday, and getting beautiful cards from Jong too on my birthday and on Valentine's Day year '00. (I still continue writing to Jong, as I felt I owed him my sets of exam papers). 

I remember the three of us doing very well in our studies - always being the top student in our stream.The only time we spoke in those two years was when they called me at home by surprise. Apparently the went searching for my Papa’s name in the thick Telekom Directory and tried their lucks by calling the number.
And all those while, we NEVER met.

And I remember thinking, "Would we get the offer to further our studies at the same place after SPM? Would we ever get the chance to meet?" 

And those questions were answered in January 2001...


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