Monday 11 April 2011

DAY 27 – OH BOY ....OH BOY..!!!!!......

I received an email  from Billi's  teacher, just some updates on this and that. She wrote her concern about Billi's response on "what do you want to be when you grow up". Curiously enough……..In my heart, nothing psychotic I hope! Apparently, Billi told her, he wanted to be a NINJA !!!! Oh la la.

I laughed out loud  for quite a while. I thought that was a brave  attempt by Billi and an honest one  too. How many kids would actually be open enough to share their personal vision(pv). Normally, it would be the well rehearsed answers as practiced at home - a teacher, lawyer, accountant, doctor, architect,etc. Rarely -  a hairstylist, pro footballer, Akademi Fantasia /Malaysia Idol winner.  And a Ninja from SA? Wow! That must be the first for the teacher.

She wrote further even after showing pictures of various occupations to the class and what these people do, Billi asked her, “How come there's no photo of a Ninja”.

Teacher was not happy and was concerned, afraid that Billi could not differentiate between reality and fantasy. She  wanted me to help Billi to have a better grasp of what's real and what's not. I'm  troubled. Not by my son’s ambition but how to deal with the expectation of the teacher.

Billi is five and  I see nothing seriously wrong with him sharing that kind of pv with the teacher.  I've indeed heard of many other quite not so ordinary like  makeup artist, antique cars collector, professional footballer, professional boxer,  rockstar, hairstylist,  F1 driver, CSI, the President, and Ariel (the little mermaid) to mention few. This types of childhood ambitions kind of common in our family. Well.....if I said that to the teacher it  will scare her more. Hahaha

Or is it quite obvious that I am not as kiasu as some other parents ? Hmmmm….

 I think the teacher should be more interested to explore and find out WHY Billi wants to become a NINJA and what about NINJA that excites or inspires him? 5W1H  (4Wives 1Waitress for 1Husband) The standard questions of…….Who, What, Where, When, Why and How

When I got home from work a month later, I asked him about the NINJA episode, his immediate response was  " No mama. I changed that and want to be a doctor because teacher said there is no NINJA in the real world ".

Excuse me….There is NINJA in the real world  teacher! May be in our culture not something that we want to lure our children into BUT the fact remains because the underworld is part of the real world. But that would be too complicated to explain to Billi.  
Don't you think NINJA exist in the real world? Sigh.....

So Q & A between Billi and me:

Me : Billi….Why do you think becoming a NINJA is exciting?

Billi : Because NINJA helps fight off evil people and protect the not so strong people don’t you know that mama..?.

Me : Oh.... ye ker? Macamana dia protect other people tu?  (How do they protect them)

Billi : NINJA tu mama, dia  ghajin-ghajin practice sampai dia kuat baru dia can protect other people la.  (NINJA has to practice real hard  to enable him to protect others.)

Me : Ye ker? Kenapa NINJA kena protect other people tu? (Why does NINJA have to protect others)

Billi :  Kan ada ghamai oghang jahat kat luar. Evil. Macam kena buli so NINJA akan rescue la oghang tu.
 (There’s a lot of bad guys. Evil. Like when they are bullied NINJA will come to rescue them)

So who says watching cartoon is all that bad?...........Hmmmm.

Me: Ohhhhh.....

Billi : Mama dah faham tak? ( You understand now mama?)


Me : Dah….! Billi nak jadi NINJA, sebab Billi nak protect orang baik dari orang jahat eh?
( You wanted to become NINJA so you can protect the good ones from the evils …?)

Billi : Tapi kalau nak jadi NINJA, kena practice ghaajin-ghaajin dulu  (But to be a NINJA  I have to pactice hard)

Me : Ah... betul    (Ah…that.s correct)

Billi : Tapi Cikgu kata takde sekolah ajar jadi NINJA. Billi nak tukar jadi doktor balik lah. 
(But I have change that and want to be a doctor as said before…there's no school to go to be a NINJA)

And he hurried off upstairs to change his school uniform and did his homework without being told. So that he could watch  the Tom & Jerry show uninterrupted. Good…. Business first, leisure ensues. Straight A's in his monthly tests so far, except for arts.

Yes... Billi's short lived ambition is fantasy but based on noble hopes and desires. What the  teacher could have done then was to enquire a bit further and help him to translate and guided him to similar and  to a more common and real occupations than being a NINJA. Such as Police, martial arts instructor , Menteri Pertahanan , NGO activist, UN Envoy peace keeper  ....  whatever real to her. That would be a better attempt than  pouring cold water to such a noble  desire from an innocent child.

I grew up in an era when most parents and teachers similarly expected their kids to have  the standard ambitions. Careers in arts, music, literature, professional sports or culinary  were not only unheard of, but almost a taboo ( "ishhh.... tak boleh, kita orang Malaysia/Melayu/Islam") or if it's non-money makers.

Somehow, as a child and up till form five, I always came up with the not so standard answer, from the very low on approval rating (a dancer) to the neutral ones ( lawyer, lecturer, engineer - boring stuff?) and right up to the ironic ones ( nuclear physic and air stewardess) - ironic because I'm not that great in maths  and for the latter not attractive enough.
(tak mana pun lawa, tak tinggi lampai dan  tak sopan santun .... heeee).

During a scholarship interview (at age 17), I told the interviewer  I wanted to go to US because I wanted to visit Disneyland. Interestingly the interviewers said, I've got personal vision…… and they fell off their chairs laughing.  Hmmm…

What I ended up as today?
A career totally unheard of by my kindergarten teacher back then.

I think the world today offers a lot more than the standard occupations - unimaginable years ago. And who knows what the future holds?

The challenge I offer to teachers out there; please.....


I don't mean to be over protective but I think a child deserves to be heard first, rather than simply to be told off.

To Billi…… BE WHAT YOU WANT TO BE as long as you are happy with your choices and do your best!!
(Sentiasa berada di jalan yang benar, halal dan baik.Rezeki ada di mana-mana, InsyaALLAH... I will pray that you will be guided, be protected, be reminded and be successful always, dunia & akhirat. Amin….)

The options are plenty still. No worries my boy