Tuesday, 24 September 2013


You know who you are....

I miss those moments I had to jump up my comfortable bed to answer your calls. I miss the missing heartbeats when I saw a few missed calls afraid that they were from you and miss the chances talking to you even if it was just for exchanging a few silly pointless texts.

I was not to throw my heart to see where it lands.  So there goes…. and knowing the fact you will never look my way again does not dampen my spirit.

We talked crap, a lot. It is pathetic how I was always bringing out the best in me, because I wanted to impress you. I am not sure if you were ever impressed.

With whom did you share your sunshine? I was not the one but I am contented to seeing you smiling from a distance. I was such an emotional dustbin, when happy, sad, angry, or even frustrated.

When I had nothing better to do than to sit at my writing table while glancing at the stars  each night wondering if you had ever think of me as much as I do of you. I do miss you a lot. It is not that I am avoiding you now. I don't want to answer your calls, I could not afford to do that. I know I'll miss your voice, our crazy conversations and jokes for a gazillion years to come.

 It is pathetic when I am still thinking of you now and then. And it is funny how hello ends with goodbye, good memories making me cry and forever has to last.

This is more than pathetic. I'm stopping this right now.  But I see you have a good new relationship with your new girl. Don't lie, I know you're happy.


  1. it is NOT funny how hello ends with goodbye....

    It is d path u choose....

  2. https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1376542_10151731423748462_972693913_n.jpg
