Friday 9 November 2012

Only in HIM we believe

I am an engineer and I practice scientific principles where logic and evidence-based practice would win hands down. It’s not a surprise that I am a bit of a sceptic when it comes to encounter with ghost but I do believe that there are other forms of beings living in this world besides us human.

Two weeks before break from work I experienced series of unfortunate events.  At first, we thought they were just that simply unfortunate events. But on the second day of our holidays while he was behind the wheel heading for la Xara, something unexplained happened. I was suddenly sweating, my eyes turned bloodshot, breathed sounded like a bear and spoke incoherently. Mom said that I was possessed by some evil sea spirit. That was when I was forced to fly home.

I have of course encountered some forms of those beings when I was studying in the boarding school. I was an early bird and particularly love to do my washing at 4 -5am in the morning after a good night sleep so I didn't have to queue to use the washing machine and I got to choose the best spot for drying up my clothes.

The chances of bumping into those other-than-human beings were pretty high at those early hours in the morning. Those that I can still remember were: a scary-faced old lady standing by the water cooler when I was staying at Block A and a smiling kakak 'senior' sleeping on the bed next to mine although the real person was actually out of the school that weekend.

I never really give it much thought, afteral the only ghost killing human that we have seen or heard are only in movies.

…..there are more weird and unexplained things happened, affecting me physically and emotionally after the la Xara incident .  Alhamdulillah, we managed to get help from an in ustaz in KT and the 'disturbance' was removed. 

It was the fourth time his parents ask my hand for their son but it is someone else that I see walking beside me…  

Only in Him we believe and to fear other beings is simply... wrong.

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