Friday, 24 January 2014

I'm ranting now

Comparing these two situations in which you are in....
(a) you are smart or beautiful and you realize and acknowledge it. You then act on it.


(b)  you are smart or beautiful but you don't notice it. You have no idea, how much your beauty could make heads turn. Everything just looks "natural" because of the way you reacted, normal and ordinary..

Those belong in group (b) are mostly adored or favored at large because of their unconsciousness of them smart or beautiful somehow make them in vogue, elegant, chic and humble.

But most people will remember group (a) since they know how to continuously act on it. 

Eventually, group (b) will go unnoticed because they couldn't even bother to notice or bothered by their valuable assets themselves.

Sometimes, even if it's good to be in group (b) it's good to have a certain degree of consciousness as those belong in group (a) because that's just the way of the world. 


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