Thursday 5 July 2012

Are You a Muslim?

Oh yeah, we do curse a lot here. But it doesn't mean anything for offshore community like us. Our sentence sounded defective without the F-word. (Bak kata orang Melayu…ayat yang tidak cukup perisa). There’s this saying,
“Whoever works in oil & gas industry will go to hell. We cursed too much” 
 NO, I told them “We wont go to f-ing hell just because we f-ing swear too much here. I don't really    f-ing think so”  Hahahahahaha………….  that sounds  soooo f-ing offshore!

I bet your jaws are dropping by now…. Those remarks came from a guy during an orientation session when I first met him eight months ago.  Majority here are non-Muslims. We do have a few Muslims, mostly Indonesians working as stewards and we don’t really work or spend time with stewards since our job mostly are on the rig floor.

I was in the driller’s cabin when a guy asked me about my faith/religion. Since I don’t wear Hijab to prove I am a Muslim woman and it is common belief to associate Muslims ladies with Hijab and he wonders a lot about me. YES, I’m a Muslim and he asked if I go to pray when I’m on the rig. Again YES I do, five times a day.

Where? When? Do I go to pray? Five times a day?  I have to stop work for 5 freaking times a day during work? To them it seems like I am carrying a big burden on my shoulder. “Freaking” is simply a word I choose to describe their reaction.A nasty remark from Dad Christ, if I were a Mud Engineer, I won’t be able to perform my 5 times a day since I will be in the lab at all times.

 I told him, it doesn’t take much time to perform a prayer but it takes a longer time for me to pee or poo. And that 5 times is in within 24 hours not as they thought which are to be done only during day time.

This rig is equipped with a Prayer Room. But, no I don’t use the Prayer Room. Previously I stayed with another lady (Helen) who worked on day shift with me. So it’s not a problem for me to go back to my cabin and pray. But when we had full POB (full bed) and Helen was moved to another room which she has to share with another lady who refused to share room with a man, Helen and I had to split. I ended up having a male roommate but fret not, we work on different shift. Until today, I have no idea who the guy is because we have not met since I came. That’s how it is here. You go out of the room from 6am to 6pm and the other person starts working from 6pm to 6am. You are not allowed to go back to your cabin as it will disturb your roommate’s sleep.

Gdad asked, why should I be fasting for the whole freaking month without even drinking or eating. (Since Ramadhan is in two weeks) What was the purpose of fasting. I must admit I’m not really that pious or knowledgeable enough but I manage to satisfy him with good answers. (Terperasan good la pulak)

Most of them here do not embrace in any religion but they do believe in God. And it is a tragedy for them to miss drinking beer daily. I'm pretty sure one day they will ask me what is the reason for me to pray in all 5x/day  and  why is the time fixed at near-dawn, after sun's noon, afternoon, sunset and nightfall?

For now I don't have any answer yet except, it is an ordained from Allah.

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