Wednesday 6 August 2014

Prankster hubby

We want our kids to be kids, even when it meant messy house strewn with papers, gooey forgotten play dough because we’d like to think that at least our kids will have a happy childhood. Hide and seek has always been their favorite.

It usually starts when daddy comes home from work, rattles the key to open the door and they will scamper to hide their butt but normally we could hear them giggling in their play house or behind the curtain or upstairs, underneath the duvet. 

We know where they are. but what makes them all giggly is when mommy and daddy plays along acting like we don’t know where they are and suddenly traps them all makes it an exciting small adventure for them.

I remember one morning hubby was back from jogging and asking me how i was.
Me:  Fine.
Zoul:  Darling, where is Lyra?
Me: She was here next to me with Sara….and Billi.
Where is she?
Where are they?

So hubby called out for Sara and being a psycho mommy,  I started imagining the worst that could happen to Lyra and was prepared to run up the stairs to check, when there was a reply,
 “Daddy, we are in here!!”
We found them, giggling in their playhouse and finding it funny that we did not see them.
 (Bikin risau saja ini budak2.Tula, tertido lagi.)

The other night before going to bed I told Zoul to go first with the kids. I need a drink before bed.When I proceed back to the hall I was entirely focused on a little green light at the edge of the cushion wondering where in the world did that came from.

Confirmed that light was from the charging ipad, I made my way for the staircase to our room when suddenly out of nowhere an unidentified flying “object” jumped over and hugged me tight.  I was like a mad woman shouting my heart out and fighting to free myself, only to realize it was me own cheeky husband fooling me.
Zoul:  I love you darling.
Me:  Ceh…

Dear husband,
I will plot my revenge soon.
Love you…
Your Wife 
Moral of the story…..  be cautious with your prankster hubby.
(We will all miss you when you gone back to work  Zoul L)

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