Wednesday 7 March 2012

Selamat hari wanita... dr wanita utk wanita

Ladies…it is important to keep track of your periods because when it comes to pregnancy, it's all about dates - and the correct ones! 

So many things can go wrong during pregnancy, but these risks could be minimized by having proper follow up. I’ve read about a mother who delivered past her date and had to deliver a really big baby, and there are cases of intrauterine deaths (stillbirth) because of the lack of awareness regarding risk factors surrounding pregnancy. 

Being sure of your dates is essential and if you have your dates wrong, it means your estimated due date will be off. A lot of management revolves around the correct dates – and it could make a difference delivering a premature baby versus a term one. 

So ladies, remember your periods – try and write it down in a diary/phone. If you are of a childbearing age and sexually active, it is really important to be aware of things like these.  

Selamat Hari Wanita....