Saturday 10 March 2012

During Labour

 I could see two nurses and a doctor racing against time. 

I wanted to have a normal delivery but it wasn’t possible for me and the best way possible was by a C-Section (unplanned c-section)
Yes, childbirth is painful;
Being in pain does not mean a woman in labour need to overturn herself side to side on the bed. This will exhaust her of her energy, and lose the will and urge to push when it is truly needed.  When mothers exhaust themselves before time to push, it will endanger the baby.
I was in a lot of pain but my cervix wasn't fully open, and the doc estimated I would deliver in an hour. I was moaning in pain and when I started frantically overturning myself, I was immediately pegged and console by hubby as the delivery prolonged.
I was almost driven mad and was perspiring profusely despite hubby telling me to calm down. I feel that the delivery is too long and too painful, At the peak of my pain, the doctor sat me down and told me to listen to her.
She told me exactly what to do and how to push. I am to use the pain to push out the baby, and that it would be important to keep the push going right through the contractions. She told me what they were doing and why, and why I should conserve my energy throughout the process so I could focus totally on the labour.
When push came to shove, I focused and push but the baby stopped moving down the birth canal and attempts to stimulate contraction to get things moving again can’t worked.
That is when I was wheeled to the OT. I already had an epidural for pain relieve during labour and it would be used for the c-section as well but before surgery, I got an extra medication for complete numbness…….
A few hours later as I held him first time in my arms, I had to hold back my tears. There's something about bringing life into the world that becomes very emotional for me, the strength of a mother’s bond and her love during the unbearable pain of labour.
Yes, childbirth is painful
I wish for a normal delivery……(will, will, will and will…)