Tuesday 22 February 2011

For the happy endings,,,,

I read romances not because of the sex scenes, .....it  has always been for the happy endings.  I read romance when I am depressed, a little lonely or when I am annoyed. And the books without fail, give me a happy ending to look forward to. Some I wish will not end  until I said ‘THE END’….hahahaha.
My life has been trails of sad conflicts. It wasn't a pleasant experience for an 18yr ol girl like me to go through such a thing. It was, to me, a taste of severe pain at the bend of leaving girlhood life  into  womanhood  and it was then that I had understood the hardships and problems one has to face when stepping into adulthood. But even then, I was not really alone, unlike the many, many students in foreign land out there. I had my maid, my bro and my mom( she was doing her Phd then) to help me through each day (and I am very thankful for them) and also I had the books. 
I love the plot and the depth of emotions expressed in the  writing styles of Suzanne Enoch and Loretta Chase as well. These are my favourite romance writers in the whole world……
In the real world.....is there such romance ?


  1. i remember one of the pages.."this is a work of fiction, not related to...". My favorite author is still Ursula K. Leguin..

  2. ske judith mgnaught...nnt try sis crik novel2 die...

  3. Thanks for the lead Syed and Hul
    I'll keep both eyes on those authors
