Wednesday 2 November 2011

My might have been.

Looking back at the crossroads in my life, I would imagine where I would be today if I had taken the other road than this….

The more sensible thought: for the fact remains I took the road I took and here I am and there is nothing I can do about it. This is only true, for each realistic person I know, there are a dozen who shares my weakness for the game of might have been.

Suppose if I had sign up for Arts instead of Science where would I be this moment?

Reality is here I am….on an oilfield far away from home working on surveys and drills. But if I were to pursue my first choice during my tertiary education level, I might be sitting in my own posh clinic prescribing pills and potions to the psychosomatic rich.

Or will I just as likely slogging soullessly on temporary jobs with fellow failures and drop-outs if I didn’t make it at all… scary.

I am here in this part of the world is because of my profession. Before, I used to read and watch features of hunger and starvation but to participate in the real sense is really breaking me to pieces now. Hunger does not result from lack of food but from some disruption in the distribution of the food itself usually due to poverty, military conflict or the denial of food to people as a weapon of denial during war or as political pressure against a given group.

There is enough food available in the world average of four pound of food per person daily. But most cases of chronic malnutrition result from problems in the distribution of a nation wealth and resources. The greatest failing of our modern world is in its inability to feed the hungry considering hunger is not cause by lack of food but the failure of distribution on reaching them and it become even more of a crime against humanity. Standing between the food and the people is a civil war where more than a million population had died of starvation and they are mostly children.

On both sides the terrible weapon is increasingly food not bullet.            

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