Friday, 15 November 2013

Part eleven: A fighter to the end


This morning while I was getting ready for work Kristina, my daughter lost me my breast!!! It’s a fake one that was a “gift” after my previous breast reconstruction.

Each time I took off my bra, as always Kristina would grab my fake breast and would toyed and fooling it around with great admiration. She reminded me of my own experience when I was her age, I was  amazed at my grand dad’s magic teeth. He could pull it in and out off his gum with ease and brushed his teeth while singing. Years later did I know it was his fake teeth (denture).

My fake breast is actually a breast-shaped pocket filled with fiber and given free of charge by the Breast Cancer Welfare Association. An organization founded in 1986 by medical  specialists  to cater the need for peer support  of  women with breast cancer. It is a self supporting  body registered with the Registrar of Societies in Malaysia and a member of the International Union against Cancer (UICC) and Reach to Recovery International (RRI). 

After more than four years of usage, the fiber had gone flat so I refilled it with shoulder pads or wool since I ran out of the fiber refill which I bought for refilling the pocket nearly six months ago

I frantically ransacked my room for my fake breast but it was nowhere to be seen. The shoulder pads I use for refilling were strewn all over the dressing table, but the pocket itself was gone. I couldn't possibly go to work with one reconstructed breast on the right and a flat chest on the left.

If I knew, the cancer cell were going after my other breast I would've saved myself the trouble of going through the 12-hour breast reconstruction surgery and no need to stuff my bra before going to work.

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